Carport Ground Mounting

Carport Ground Mounting System is engineered and designed with robust and swiftness in mind enabling it to endure the harshest of all conditions, such as heavy rain, wind and snow. The system structure supports are packed pre-assembled and has been developed to accommodate a wide range of photovoltaic modules. Each and every Carport System will be designed and customized towards your needs and specifications, whether it be for large scale commercial applications or down to a residential double carpark port, we’ll have a solution for you.

Carport Bracket

The Carport System adopts aluminum alloy bracket, which has the characteristics of light weight and strong stability. Wider height and width. It is suitable for different climates in different countries. According to the needs of customers and the actual situation, reasonable height, width and rainproof characteristics can be designed to meet customers' higher requirements for carports.

Here are advantages of this system:

1. Aluminum alloy material is convenient for transportation and installation

2. The structure has been strictly calculated and tested, and can withstand harsh environmental conditions

3. Waterproof structure design

4. Pre-assembled before leaving the factory to speed up on-site installation efficiency

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