Balcony Mounting

Balcony solar panel mounting brackets are designed to be installed on a balcony or terrace. These brackets are usually smaller and lighter than rooftop brackets, and they are designed to be easily installed without the need for heavy equipment or tools. Balcony solar panel mounting brackets are typically made of aluminum or steel and are designed to be rust-resistant and weather-resistant.

Simple Balcony Bracket/W1A-H275

The Simple Balcony Bracket Solution is a light and economical solution that can be applied to various balcony fences and provides an adjustable range of 15-30° (the adjustment angle will vary according to the size of the component).

Here are advantages of this system:

1. Lightweight design and packaging are convenient for storage and express transportation

2. The unique return hook of the built-in round pipe hook effectively prevents the risk of components slipping

3. This product can support installation with inclined angle and no angle.

4. Pre-assembled before leaving the factory to speed up on-site installation efficiency

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